
2007-09-27 5:34 am
In principle one, because people face tradeoffs, so some of the large supermarkets or chain store although know their overdue merchandise, they also will not to abandon them. Cause as long as someone to buy it, there is tradeoffs and the firm can get more money.

回答 (2)

2007-09-27 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

in principle one 我不是很明你的意思。你或可能是說「在第一原則上」。in principle 雖是解「在原則上」,但 one 加在 in principle 之後就不太妥當。in principle one 應改為 at the first principle。

在中文,因果關係雖用「因為...,所以...」,但在英文裏,because.... 之後就不應加上 so。就像 although.... 之後不應加上 but。記住中文的文法和英文的文法完全不同。不宜照譯。

Cause 是名詞 (noun)。「因為...」就不應譯為 cause。應改為 because 或 because of + noun/ gerund (即 -ing)。

2007-09-26 22:31:33 補充:
2007-09-27 5:40 am

In principle one, because people face trade offs, so some of the large supermarkets or chain store although that they know their overdue merchandise, they also will not to abandon them. As long as someone to buy it, there are trade offs and the firms can earn more money.

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