Maths Questions

2007-09-27 3:52 am
In an inter-school quiz competititon , each school team needs to answer 15 questions . 10 marks will be awarded for each correct answer , while 10 marks and 5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer and each unanswered question respectively . School team A answers 13 questions and 8 questions are correctly answered . School team B answers 11 questions and 9 questions are correctly answered.

回答 (2)

2007-09-27 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a)school team A get 8x10=80marks
deduct(incorrectly answer)=(13-8)x10=50marks
deduct(unanswered question)=(15-13)x5=10marks

so the score of school team A=80-50-10=20marks

(b)school team B get 9x10=90marks
deduct(incorrectly answer)=(11-9)x10=20marks
deduct(unanswered question)=(15-11)x5=20marks

so the score of school team B=90-20-20=40marks

(c)school team B has a higher score
2007-09-27 4:51 am
School team A:
8 x (+10) + (13 - 8) x (-10) + (15 - 13) x (-5) = 20 marks

School team B:
9 x (+10) + (11 - 9) x (-10) + (15 - 11) x (-5) = 50 marks

so school team B has a higher score.

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