我想要有關巴西歷史&文化的資料( in english)

2007-09-27 2:53 am
我想要有關巴西歷史&文化的資料( in english) please......

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2007-09-29 2:23 am
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History of Brazil:


The first human beings entered Brazil after 10,000 BC. They were hunter-gatherers. Among other animals they hunted manatees. They also fished in the rivers and near the coasts they collected shellfish. The first Brazilians also collected plants.

After 1,000 BC some Brazilians were changing to a farming lifestyle. They practised slash and burn agriculture.

However some Brazilians continued to live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.


The Portuguese discovered Brazil by accident. Pedro Alvares Cabral landed on 23 April 1500. Then, in 1501 Amerigo Vespuci led another expedition to the new land. However at first the Portuguese showed little interest in Brazil although merchants set up coastal trading stations and they exported brazil wood.

However the French also began to trade with the Indians. Alarmed by French interest the Portuguese founded a colony to strengthen their claim to the area. In 1530 men were led by Martim Alfonso de Sousa. they made the first settlement at Sao Vicente. Then, in 1532, the king divided the coast of Brazil into 15 areas. He granted them to Portuguese nobles and merchants on condition they encouraged settlers to Brazil.

Brazil began to grow when sugar was introduced in the late-16th century. Sugar plantations were created. They were worked by African slaves. In the early 17th century the Brazilian sugar industry boomed. Brazil became Europe's main supplier of sugar.

However in the early 17th century the Dutch decided to take part of Brazil for themselves. They attacked the capital, Salvador, in 1624 and 1627 but both times they were repulsed. In 1630 they landed further north and they occupied some Brazilian territory until 1654.

Meanwhile the French also wanted a piece of Brazil. They landed at Guanabara bay in 1555. However they were driven out in 1657.

Afterwards the Portuguese founded Rio de Janeiro to strengthen their claim to the area.

The French took some territory further north in 1612 but they were expelled in 1615.

In the late 17th century the sugar industry became less important but in 1695 gold was discovered. Another source was discovered in 1719. The discovery of gold led many people to settle in the interior of Brazil and the population shifted. As a result the capital was moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1763.

However after 1760 the gold boom faded.

Meanwhile a man the Marques de Pombal governed Brazil from 1750 to 1777. He introduced new crops such as cotton, cacao and rice. Sugar also regained some of its former prosperity under his rule.

Then in 1807 a momentous event happened. At the end of the year Napoleon invaded Portugal. In 1808 the king and his court fled to Brazil and Rio de Janeiro became the capital of the Portuguese Empire. Its population grew rapidly. New public buildings were erected and new theatres and libraries were built.

The king also tried to encourage the Brazilian economy. In 1808 he lifted a ban on manufacturing industry in Brazil. He also allowed Brazilians to trade freely with all friendly nations, not just Portugal. As a result many European craftsmen and artists came to Brazil.

Then in 1820 the king returned to Portugal. He left his son Dom Pedro as regent in Brazil. In October 1821 Dom Pedro was recalled to Portugal but the Brazilians persuaded him to stay. On 7 September 1822 he broke with Portugal and declared Brazil independent. Portugal finally recognised Brazilian independence in 1825.

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