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MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a standard technology and format for compressing a sound sequence into a very small file (about one-twelfth the size of the original file) while preserving the original level of sound quality when it is played. MP3 files (identified with the file name suffix of ".mp3") are created using a program called a ripper to get a selection from a CD onto your hard disk and another program called an encoder to convert the selection to an MP3 file. Most people, however, simply download MP3s from someone else and play them. MP3 files are usually download-and-play files rather than streaming sound files that you link-and-listen-to with RealPlayer and similar products. However, streaming MP3 is also possible. Many Windows 98 users will find that they have a player built into their operating system. Otherwise, you can download a player from one of several popular MP3 sites. Winamp (PC), MacAmp (Mac), and mpeg123 (UNIX) are popular MP3 players, but there are many others.
MP3是MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3的縮寫,即一種壓縮聲音的技術。這種技術可以將聲音資料以高比例壓縮後儲存,壓縮後的檔案一般只有原本檔案的十二分之一,但音質卻可以保存不變。以這種技術製作的檔案,同樣稱為MP3,因為這種檔案格式以 ".mp3" 作為延伸檔名。製作MP3檔案,需要使用一個名為ripper的程式從鐳射唱片上選取歌曲到電腦硬碟上,然後再利用另一個名為編碼器的程式,將所選的歌曲轉變為MP3檔案。不過,用家普遍喜歡從網上下載。跟RealPlayer支援的數碼串流檔案不同,MP3檔案一般是在完全下載後才作播放的檔案,而不可以作連線播放,不過,現在有些MP3檔案也會以數碼串流方式播放。現時,差不多所有視窗系統都已內置了MP3播放機,即使你使用的操作系統沒有MP3播放機,也可以輕易從網站下載一個。視窗系統使用的Winamp、蘋果Mac電腦使用的MacAmp及UNIX系統使用的Mpeg123都是較受歡迎的MP3播放機,當然還有其他多不勝數的軟件可以播放MP3。