請舉30個Good manners例子(英文回答)

2007-09-27 1:11 am
請舉30-50個Good manners例子(英文回答)
eat quiely

回答 (1)

2007-09-27 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Say please
Say thank you
Say Bless you when people sneeze
Say excuse me when you sneeze
Say excuse me when you cough
Say excuse me when you have to leave the conversation for a while
Sitting straight
Walking straight
Greet other people
Be helpful
Be patient
Be considerate
Be generous
Be polite to your tutors
Be polite to your family
Be polite to your friends
Help youngsters
Help people in need
Remind other people about their mistakes
Accept your own faults
Correct your own faults
Accept others' fault
Strive for virtue
No rude behaviors
No shouting
No bad languages
No spitting
If you really need to spit, do it on tissue or a handkerchief
If you really need to blow your nose, do it quietly with tissue or a handkerchief
Speak clearly
Speak with a controlled tone and volume
Eye contact with others in an conversation

Table manners:
Eat quietly
Use utensils properly
Say excuse me before leaving the table
If you really need to burp, cover your mouth and try to control the noise
If you really need to use a toothpick, do it in the restroom or cover your mouth


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