Econ. 一問~~~~~

2007-09-26 8:11 pm
Hong Kong citizens could use public swimming pools free of charge on Sunday in July of 2003 . Explain whether the above service was a free good to society .

回答 (2)

2007-09-26 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The service was not a free good because it's quantity is not sufficient to satisfy all our wants,more of it is prefered.Moreover,the opportunity cost in the production is positive since resources with alternative uses are used in it's production.Therefore,the public swimming pool is not a free good.
參考: myself
2007-09-26 8:19 pm
It is no a free good since the service involve opportunity cost, such as the lifeguard.
Also, people will prefer the service of swimming pool more to less.
therefore, it is not a free good.
it is economic good.

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