What camera to buy for trip of a lifetime?

2007-09-26 2:18 am
Im currently in australia in the middle of a round the world trip and am getting tired of the crappy 4Megapixel camera Im using.

Im hoping to buy a new camera, something good that I could use if I take up photography as a hobby when I get home.

Im going to South East Asia in february but am hoping to pick up something in australia ASAP. First Question is: Is there a huge difference in price between buying in Oz or Asia (is it worth missing out on good pics in Oz and waiting?)

Can someone suggest a decent camera to buy, Id spend just over AU$1100 (700euro or US$1000). Would like twin lens kit if possible, one of which a 300mm to get the decent distant images.

回答 (8)

2007-09-26 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
ring "teds" camera stores, or look them up on line...........i worked there years ago, we used to laugh at people would bring in 2 year old cameras they bought as "brand new" in Singapore - if you buy from teds, take your ticket and passport and they will sell to you duty free.......you cant open the package till thru customs though

$AU1000 it will be a mission $us1000 you might crack it

2007-09-26 9:56 am
USD1000 is a little lean if you want a DSLR with two lenses... how about a Nikon D40X with the kit lens (18-55mm), and add a 70-300mm zoom lens, or compromise a bit and buy the camera body with something like a Sigma 18-250mm lens?
I think that will run a bit over your budget, but not by too much.
2007-09-26 12:10 pm
If you were in the USA, you could buy a Nikon D40 with the 18-55 lens for $500 and the Nikon 70-300 VR lens for under $500, leaving some money for a suitable memory card. This would be a super set-up for you.

I see Ted's showing a D40 with the 18-55 lens plus the 55-200 lens for a total of $1,099.95. (I assume that is in Australian currency.) It's a shame, as you could have that for lots less here, but it is a good kit nonetheless.
2007-09-26 6:54 pm
I'm using Sony A100 for a few months and I'm happy with, especially in Thailand' journey. It cost $720 for body with 18-70mm and $220 for 75-300mm. I had no problems with shooting even in damp climate of radon springs in contrast to my friend's Canon XT.
2007-09-26 10:56 am
i think it's cheaper in SE asia. things are always cheaper there. There is GST in australia and australian dollar is pretty strong now. So SE asia like singapore, hong kong..etc
2007-09-26 10:38 am
$1,000 is a little cheap for a good DSLR with multiple lenses. I would suggest either the Nikon D40 which can be picked up for around $500 - 600 .... plus the cost of additional lens. Or the Sony Alpha DSLR-A100 which can be picked up for an average of about $700 - 800. Both are great cameras for hobbiest photographers.
2007-09-26 9:32 am
I think my Canon Sure Shot is great, I've taken it on several vacations. The only thing I would suggest is to bring extra memory cards, you never know how many pictures you're going to end up taking. Good luck. http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ProductCatIndexAct&fcategoryid=112
2007-09-26 10:06 pm
You'll probably get a better buy once you get to Asia, specifically Japan.

If you want a good DSLR with a couple of lenses to get you started that will eventually be the starting equipment of a full blown hobby, I would suggest you look at either Canon or Nikon. There's a reason most pros and serious amatures shoot one or the other -- more and better lenses, more accessories, better build quality, maybe not by much, but by enough.

As for specific models in your price range, I would look at either the Canon 400D (Rebel XTi) or the Nikon D40x.

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