How can I get over the fact that not everyone is going to like me?

2007-09-25 6:09 pm
I was sick for over six years, with almost no contact with anyone. Now I'm better, but lacking confidence. Especially when someone calls me a dirty name or tells me I'm stupid and not acceptable to them.
I know that not everyone can like me, but its really annoying that I get upset over this. What can I do?

回答 (9)

2007-09-25 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ask yourself
Do I LIKE everyone I meet?

The answer has to be NO.

We are all different and we all have different tastes when it comes to people we want to spend time with.

If they call you stupid or are rude to you then GREAT, they dont make it on to your list of people to spend time with. This helps you save time.

If someone calls me a name, it can only hurt me if I BELIEVE or IDENTIFY with the insult. In this way, it is ULTIMATELY you who controls the outcome. So, in that case, there is nothing to FEAR.

Also, the better you feel about yourself ON THE INSIDE the less you will be a magnet for people to treat you badly.

People used to spit on me all the time.
They wouldnt DARE now.
I have changed the way I FEEL about ME.

Now, all I get is COMPLIMENTS. (cool eh)

So, is that to do with THEM, or is it to do with ME?

Your job is to be the best YOU that you can be, NO ONE on this entire PLANET can do that for you.

Celebrate WHO you are.
Empower yourself.
2007-09-26 1:37 am
what helps me is to remember that i don't like everyone i meet - so why should they.

However, that is no excuse for rudeness, insults, name-calling.
2007-09-26 1:31 am
It is very simple; just ask yourself if you could like everyone that you meet. So, it is very normal that not everyone likes you. Just take things easy and simply enjoy simple friendships.
2007-09-26 1:30 am
What sets great people apart from others? They don't waste time on, what others think or talk about them.
2007-09-26 1:20 am
It's a fact of life that not everyone's gonna like you, so the sooner that you accept it, the better you'll be. And I don't know how you do that, when you find out let me know... Now, if everyone hates you, you might want to look inward and try to figure out why and start making adjustments on yourself. Just igonore the jerks around you, it must be very hard after 6 years to be thrown to the wolves... keep your head up!
2007-09-26 1:18 am
Sucks you were sick for so long. Being out of touch for that long probably has cause damage to your social skills. Not that you are disfunctional, just that you have experienced something relatively traumatic and life changing. Give it time, give yourself patience, ignore the stupid people.
2007-09-26 1:16 am
Hi there. Just to let you know that your sense of worth is from yourself but not from others. What you're doing now is allowing people to control you.
2007-09-26 1:16 am
you have to look at it the way that I do. I know that everyone does not like me, but I know that God loves me and thats really all that matters.
2007-09-26 1:13 am
kick them in the balls... works every time =]]

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