
2007-09-26 5:38 am

請幫忙 謝謝你

回答 (4)

2007-09-26 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like horror movies because they give me thrills. I won't be scared by darkness and ghosts.

2007-09-25 21:51:23 補充:
第一個用戶根本亂答﹐ 仲叫人選他為最佳回答﹐ 不知所謂!
參考: Myself
2007-09-28 8:01 pm
I am very fond of horror movies, as they would pump-up my guts, besides; I will not afraid of darkness & ghost anymore.
參考: SELF
2007-09-26 5:44 am
I like to watch thriller , It is because I can train my bravery, so I won't afraid black and ghost.

Hope I can help you!!!
參考: Me
2007-09-26 5:42 am

I like the Di terrible slice, because of stimulate and

can practice courage, the Wu will fear black and

afraid ghost.

2007-09-25 21:43:12 補充:
唔好意思,打得唔清楚,係「I like the Di terrible slice, because of stimulate and can practice courage, the Wu will fear black and afraid ghost. 」真係唔好意思!
參考: 注:閣下請不要棄掉問題~忘記選最佳回答~浪費在下的心血~~!!

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