
2007-09-26 1:16 am

英文餐單早上,中午 and dinner.

回答 (2)

2007-09-26 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Starter ( 前餐) :fruit salad , tomoato soup , onisn soup , spring rohs , fish boll ......

Main Ceurae ( 正餐) : fried noodles / rice , spaghetti with beef , pork chops ,
won ton noodles , chicken curry , steamed fish ......

Dessert ( 甜品) : chocolate ice cream , cheesecake , lemon jelly , pudding , apple pie

Drink ( 飲料) : mickshare , bear , orangr / apple juice , tea , coffee , cola , hot chocolate
參考: 幽助原創
2007-09-26 1:43 am
Types of Cheese
Deutsch English
Blauschimmelkäse Blue cheese
Chesterkäse Cheshire
Emmenthaler Swiss cheese
Hüttenkäse cottage cheese
Schimmelkäse Gorgonzolla
Ziegenkäse goat cheese

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