
2007-09-26 1:15 am
krill , humpback whales , baleen , narwhals , squid , icefish , antaric cod , ringed seals ,
weddll seals , arctic foxes , snowshoe hares , arctic haresskua , albatrosses , petrels ,
artic terns , reindeer , carbou , lemmings 點解 ( 英文and中文解釋) ?

回答 (3)

2007-09-26 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
krill , humpback whales , baleen , narwhals , squid , icefish , antaric cod , ringed seals ,
weddll seals , arctic foxes , snowshoe hares , arctic haresskua , albatrosses , petrels ,
artic terns , reindeer , carbou , lemmings


磷蝦、駝背鯨、鯨鬚、 nar whals 、烏賊、冰魚、 antaric 雪,
weddll ,北極的狐狸、雪兔、北極的 haresskua 、信天翁,海燕類,
artic 三個一組、馴鹿、 carbou ,旅鼠


廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂


2007-09-26 2:01 am
磷蝦,座頭鯨,長鬚鯨, narwhals ,魷魚,銀魚,鱈antaric ,環斑海豹,
weddll海豹,北極狐,雪鞋野兔,北極haresskua ,信天翁,海燕,
參考: 翻釋網
2007-09-26 1:24 am
I think u need a dictionary.
U hv so many words to ask, it's not "ok" for u to ask to people on the websites all the time.

P.S.Hope u got enough money to buy a dictionary.>V<*

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