1. Charges is more expensive for Direct Fund.
2. It seems China market will continue to go up in nearest future.
Therefore, price is actually not a question.
3. Your choice actually depend on yr risk profile.
Do you know if you're Aggressive , Balanced or Conservative in investment ?
4. First State and Baring had a return of 100% & 120% in 2006.
Do you think it's good enough ?
5. Fund's house performance is monitored by Morningstar, a wellknown funds
evaluation company. Therefore, they should report real figures.
6. Normally bank and IFC have more charges and require more initial invesment amt.
From your questions 7 & 8, it seems you're not so familiar to this market.
Of course, no funds performance is guaranteed, I suggest you can put $20,000
at the begining and stop to pay anything if the performance is not so good.
Then only $20,000 is being held up.
Send me an email if you want to understand more.
[email protected]