請問以下韓文是什麼? 急~20

2007-09-25 11:45 pm
請問以下韓文是什麼? 急~

~I am 22 years-old.~

回答 (2)

2007-09-26 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The above person has got the wrong spelling.
~I am 22 years-old.~
저는 스물두살이에요.
read as : jeo neun seu mul du sa ri ye yo
22歲 = 스물두살 [read as : seu mul du sal]
but 20歲 = 스무살 [read as : seu mu sal]
Actually, if you are telling the Korean people your age, you should say:
만으로 (저는) 스물두살이에요. [저는: to be omitted]
[read as : ma neu ro (jeo neun) seu mul du sa ri ye yo]
and 만으로 means the age count according to the other countries/places e.g. HK. (만으로是表示你所說的歲數, 是用韓國以外其他國家的計算方法計算的.)
This is because Korean people start counting the age when the baby is in mother's abdoman. Therefore if you are 22 years old, according to Korean's counting method you should be 23 years old (1 year older). That's why you should make it clear that you are counting the age according to the methosd used in your own country.
參考: no need
2007-09-26 12:21 am
저는 22살이에요.

I am 저는 (jeo nun)

22 years-old: 22살 이에요 (su mur dur sai i e yo) (Note: 22: su mur dur)

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