一直以來 的英文

2007-09-25 8:33 pm
就係以上的 Translation~
Thank you.!

回答 (3)

2007-09-25 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常我地會以present perfect continous tense 去指出事情一直都發生,例如

I have been working in Hong Kong for 5 years.(意義上是這五年我一直都在香港工作,而且有繼續在香港工作的意思)

如果你一定要係句子上講"一直以來"的意思,你可以用all the while, all through, at all times,不過會比較odd。
2007-09-25 8:40 pm
from the begining untill now.
from the start ,he or she is been like that.
since we met, he have been behave like this.
參考: penang free school
2007-09-25 8:38 pm
試用 "used to be"

I used to be a doctor 我一直以來都是醫生. 如有錯誤, 敬希指正

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