
2007-09-25 7:46 pm

我冇俾隻貓襲擊到,只係隻貓聽到我喵叫,而想襲擊我。 後來因害怕,冇再扮喵叫,隻貓自己走開左。

回答 (2)

2007-09-26 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
do you mind i speak in eglish?

In many of the country,Black cats means Good Luck.or somelses good thing such as rich.you dreamt of 2 cats,you can't tell what is the colour of the first cat colour,means you don't know is the first one a black-cat.Maybe it is a cat of another colours,means bad luck,Then The cat go away,means the bad luck go away.Do you get what i mean?
Then,you say the black cat is clear and beautiful,means it is a good chance to give you to do something.i can't tell you what it is,i don't know what is it,burt i can tell you it is a pure-good thing.
Then you calling"meaow..meaow.."means that you want to follow the luck,but you can't,because the black cat wants to attack you,either of the good luck do not let you to have it the second time.Maybe it will become a risk,maybe it will become a trapped.so,if you get something good luck,DON'T TRY TO GET IT MORE.Do you understnd?
then the cat went away,means the luck will go after you have it.
參考: My dream-testing knowledge
2007-09-25 7:52 pm
但係比貓攻擊 就唔多好拉
參考: 自己

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