英文題 - phrase

2007-09-25 7:08 pm
請問 以下內容 英文係點寫


回答 (3)

2007-09-25 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. gossip, hearsay, grapevine news
e.g., The gossip is that he is going to resign.

2. Do you see what I'm doing?

2007-09-25 11:17:50 補充:
breaking news 是 大新聞 / 頭條. 不是 小道消息 (非正式途徑流傳的消息)
2007-09-25 7:28 pm
1.小道消息 = Side-kick news (邊垂消息or花邊新聞)
2.你睇下我做緊乜野 = come & see what am I doing?
參考: SELF
2007-09-25 7:13 pm
1. breaking news
2. see what i am doing

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