please help to correct

2007-09-25 5:15 pm
Whatever Officer or Manager was just a title only. It's up to you to print the name card for me whether on this log or next log.

回答 (4)

2007-09-25 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let me thank you in advance for the trouble. As for the title of Officer or Manager, please make the appropriate decision for me since I do not regard a title is of high importance. Also the name card is in no rush so if it can not be made on this log then please do it on the next one.

Thanks again,
2007-09-25 6:49 pm
Title to be printed on the name card is not a big issue for me. Both Officer or Manager are fine. You can select anyone of them for printing my name cards. If you cannot catch up the printing this time, it is ok to print them the next log.
2007-09-25 6:38 pm
Either Officer or Manager is only a title, it's up to you to print either the next lot name card for me, i have no say.

以你中文既說法係講晦氣說話, 如果係就上以上果句解作: 職員或經理其中都只是個職銜, 隨得你印其中在我的名片, 反正我都冇得say no !


I don't mind you put either Officer or Manager on the next print of my name card since those just a tile for me.
2007-09-25 5:31 pm
If you want to express the meaning as my understanding (Chinese version), I'd write down as:
Title is a minor thing. "Officer" , "Manager" or whatelse is OK to me. Please choose one and print on my name cards from now on.

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