我想要以下的英文答案版呀, 要英文版!

2007-09-25 12:21 pm

1.Describe a recent goal that you set for yourself and describe how you achieved it.

2.Describe an accomplishment you have achieved that makes you proud.

3.What are your long term career goals and how does this job fit into those goals?

回答 (2)

2007-09-25 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
wa, 呢d野要你自己先知架喎....不如你俾個中文答案搵人譯啦

1. Recent Goal: become an accountant and perform well in the job. To be recognized by superviser, clients and colleagues.

2. University graduate

3. Long Term Career Goals: 呢個真係要你自己諗囉, but how does this job fit into those goals can be: gain experience in the field of accountant profession, learn problem solving skills/analytical skills/management skills, etc.
2007-09-25 10:28 pm
所以就算俾你有絕對答案都未必成功,有時仲要捉摸個面試者既心境,可能有d人like好有heart,有d就唔like d 人自大,尼d都係臨場先知,才能去回答以上題問....

第一題都可以有好多個answer啦,問你而家有d咩目標同埋點樣去實現...you can say' my recent goal is wanting to be a professional accountant and want to promote be a senior grade...so that if i wants to achieved it i will hardworking on my duties ,also learn from my officer, and take some night time courses, i will do any work about accounting include basic work '
第三題係問你將來的工作目標係咩同埋點樣實現....你可以講咪自己開會計師樓囉..或者擦鞋咪講會將自己既專業去幫公司搵多d錢囉~~you can say " my long term career goals is being a boss to have my own company OR i will let my company to gain more income by using my professional skills .I will do my best on my work and hope company will give me chance so that i can achieve my long term goals.

自己英文唔係幾好,係english company limited =.=,最好你搵個英文好既人改改d 文法啦
參考: 在下之愚見

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