words that spelling is different from the sound pronounced

2007-09-25 10:37 am
Give 5 examples of the words in English were the spelling is different from the sounds pronounced. I got 2 examples: read & via (but I am not sure abt this one)

回答 (3)

2007-09-25 6:58 pm
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I think the examples provided by the fd above may sound difficult to you.
To answer your queries,
read (past tense) is one of them, as it sounds like red;
via is not one of them as it sounds (vi ar).

I give you some simple examples in our daily life. Most of the cases involve characters, e.g. y, t, b and h, which have no sound (i.e. silent) in pronunciation.
1. year (sound: ear, y is silent here)
2. listen (sound: lis sun, t is silent here)
3. climber (sound: cli mer, b is silent here)
4. hour (sound: ar wa, h is silent here)
5. onion (sound: un ni un (NOT on ni un), o sounds like u)

2007-09-25 22:37:51 補充:
Corrections:hour (sound: au wah)year is not appropriate exampleuniform (sound: u ni form, not un ni form) -- We should say a uniform but not an uniform

2007-09-25 22:38:43 補充:
It is incorrect to say:climber if pronounced quickly may sound like CLY-MER but we usually say CLY-M-BERAccording to dictionary,climber ('klaime(r)) -- b does not take part here
參考: Myself
2007-09-26 6:05 am
year is pronounced as YI-EAR and the y sound is not silent. Ear is E-year
climber if pronounced quickly may sound like CLY-MER but we usually say CLY-M-BER
(Just like Wednesday, we say WEN-SI-DAY but it is actually pronounced as
WED-NUS-DAY so it's still correct.)

hour (AH-WERE not HOW-WERE)
chemestry (KE-MUST-TRE not CHE-MUST-TRE)
what (WA-r-T not WA-HUT)same as who(HOO not WA-HOO) or other word which
begins with WH.
Europe (YOU-ROPE not OO-ROPE)
door (D-o-R not DO-OO-R)
參考: myself
2007-09-25 11:02 am
Honest (Sound: On-nest)
Psychology (sound: sai-call-logy)
Wasp (Sound: Waa-sp)
Bourgeoisie (Sound: Bush-wa-see)
Debt (sound: Det)
參考: Myself

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