
2007-09-25 8:18 am
我男友出左trip, 佢比左個酒店電話比我, 香港打去固網平好多, 如果打去, 應該有人接左先, 問我有咩事, 我再叫佢幫我接去幾多號房搵邊位。

但我英文唔係好叻, 通常酒店接電話D人會點問? 我又應該點叫人幫我接去XXX房搵亞水先生?


回答 (3)

2007-09-25 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
酒店接線生 (A)
妳 (B)

A: Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening! This is XXX hotel, I am YYY. May I help you?
B: Hello! I am calling from Hong Kong. I would like to speak to Mr. ZZZ whose room number is 123.

If Mr. ZZZ is busy or he is not inside the room, then
A: I am sorry. No one is on the line. Do you want to leave any message for Mr. ZZZ?
B: Yes, I would like to ... (your message) or No, I may call again later.
2007-09-25 8:34 am
通常酒店接電話的人會話:This is XXXHotel. I am XXX speaking.

你咪話:I would like to contact my friend in room XXX. Please help me to contact this room.

佢可能會問間房個人個名:Do you know his name?

你咪答佢:Yes, sure. His name is XXX. Help me to contact him. Thank you.

2007-09-25 8:33 am
Please help me transfer the line to Rmxxx.

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