photoshop 框邊一問

2007-09-25 7:00 am
我想問問 :
1) 我用photoshop整左幅透明公仔, 不過我唔識點整走個白色底同個黑色框?
2) 我唔知why 將個透明圖copy落第二將相時d顏色唔同左?

可以用中文回答我嗎?因為我真的是新手中的新手,可以step by step ma?

回答 (1)

2007-09-25 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 我用photoshop整左幅透明公仔, 不過我唔識點整走個白色底同個黑色框?

I assume you talk about Layer Mask. Drag the mask to the trash in the Layer Palette and select Apply Mask.

2) 我唔知why 將個透明圖copy落第二將相時d顏色唔同左?

That is because you have different color Mode between the 2 pictures.
make sure both images have the same color space.
參考: Have been a photo retoucher before Photoshop even came out

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