Bio fungi 小問

2007-09-25 6:25 am
我d notes寫
Kingdom Fungi are organisms which are made of a single cell or thread-like structures like hyphae. 跟住又寫 fungi 係 multicellular, 想問下 single cell 點解會係multicellular?

回答 (2)

2007-09-25 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kingdom Fungi are organisms which are made of a single cell or thread-like structures like hyphae.
即係有d係single cell, 有d係multicellular.
其實fungi 既所謂multicellular同植物, 動物既multicellular 唔係好同. Fungi既hyphae係 multi-nucleate, 即係好多nucleus但佢地之間冇cell membrane分隔.
single cell既fungi亦唔算少, yeast 就係.
參考: Morphology of Plant and Fungi - Alexopod
2007-09-25 6:40 am
1. fungi are thread-like structures like hyphae, hyphae is muticellular

2. 其實自然界裏, single cell 的 fungi 少之又少. 你不用理會啦, 記住它是made of hyphae

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