always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 有甚麼分別???

2007-09-25 4:57 am
Please explain the following adverbs of frequency and give me for example:

(1) always
(2) usually
(3) often
(4) sometimes
(5) seldom
(6) never

回答 (4)

2007-09-25 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
always: do 7 times in a week

usually: do 5-6 times in a week

often: do 3-4 times in a week

sometimes: do 2 times in a week

seldom: do 1-2 times in a week

never: do 0 time in a week
2007-09-25 10:40 pm
(1) always (2) usually (3) often (4) sometimes (5) seldom (6) never
都是是英語中常用的adverbs of frequency。

1. 在句子中的位置,例如開頭、結尾
2. 提問時 (question form) 的用法
3. 否定時 (negative form) 的用法

在一些早期的英文教科書中,這些adverbs of frequency 會被列表如下。
在最上方的表示 frequency最多的事情(一定做), 在最下方的表示frequency最低的(絕不會做)。

紅字是題目中的例子,為方便說明, 加入綠色其他字例。


100% of the time (有一定 做/進行 的意思)
about 90% of the time
about 80% of the time
about 70% of the time
about 50% of the time
about 40% of the time
about 20% of the time
about 10% of the time
about 0% of the time

例句: (字義上的分別)
I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. (=every night, ∴100% of time)
I frequently watch the news before dinner. (=happens most days)
I usually have toast for breakfast. (=it is common )
I often go to the park with my dog. (=many times,)
I sometimes see him on the way to school. (=at particular occasions but not all the time)
I occasionally visit the Science Museum. (=not happening often or regularly)
I seldom have a chance to go to the theatre. (=it is not common)
I rarely smoke cigars. (=almost never)
I never work on the weekend. (=not at any time or not on any occasion)

大部分 adverb of frequency 都是放在 subject 和 verb 之間。
I always help the other students.
My brother usually comes late to school.
Jenny and Susan often study in the library after class.

但當用verb [to be]時 , adverb of frequency 都是放在verb 的後面。
I am always a good student.
My brother is usually late to school.
She is often ill in winter.

如句子中的 verb 由兩部分組成, adverb of frequency 通常會放在第一部分的後面:
I can never remember his name.
My father doesn't usually smoke.
The children have often complained about the state of the school toilets.

也可以把adverb of frequency 放在句子的開頭或結尾, 有強調作用。
We go to school by bus sometimes.

但 [Always] 不能放在句子的開頭或結尾。而 [Never], [seldom], [rarely] 等祇能放在 [polemic statements] 的開頭,更不能放在句子的結尾。
Polemic statements 例句:
Never has there been a better time to overcome our differences!
Rarely do we have an opportunities like this.
Seldom had the orchestra given a worse performance.

提問時 adverb of frequency 要放在 main verb 之前 。
Do you often go to the cinema?

但 [Never], [seldom], [rarely] 等含否定意思的 adverbs of frequency 一般不會用來提問。(not usually used in the question form.)
如句子是否定式,adverb of frequence 要放在 main verb 之前。
They do not often go to the cinema.

但 [Never], [seldom], [rarely] 等含否定意思的adverbs of frequency 一般不會用在否定式句子。(not usually used in the negative form.)
2016-11-05 12:47 pm
Usually Always
2007-09-25 5:16 am
(1)I always doing homework.
(2) I usually watching TV.
(3) I often listening MP3.
(4) I sometimes listening radio.
(5)I seldom go to shopping.
(6)I never playing TV games.
參考: me.....................................................................................................................................................

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