我想有男朋友呀!!! ..

2007-09-25 3:55 am
我11old~~想有男朋友呀!!想ge!add我msn啦!!!我要11old呀!!!我msn:[email protected]

回答 (3)

2007-09-25 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you're too young too.
If i were your parents, I would be so sad and worry about you.
You really should "add oil" for your study, and enjoy your school life from now.
If you don't , then you will regret someday. ^_^
2007-09-25 4:05 am
我12,我add 你
2007-09-25 4:00 am
you are very young
don't do this
yr parents will not happy about u

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