
2007-09-25 1:45 am
Mr. Chan and Mr. Lee are secondary school teacher. They earn the same salary of $30 000 a month.

a) Explain whether Mr. Chan's and Mr. Lee's opportunity cost of being a teacher would definitely be the same.

b) Explain whether the opportunity cost of quitting their jobs as teachers would definitely be the same.

回答 (2)

2007-09-25 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Their costs are not the same. Because they have different hourly salary, and they can use the time to do different things within the time, i.e. their best option forgone are not the same. Therefore their costs are not the same.

It would be the same. Because if they quit the job, the highest valued option forgone is the salary of being a teacher, i.e. the same.
2007-09-26 5:09 pm

Not the same. Because best option forgone are not the same.


The same. Because the highest valued option forgone the same.

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