Control fuse

2007-09-24 10:58 pm
Control fuse同普通fuse有冇乜唔同架?
Control fuse多數用係邊架?

回答 (3)

2007-09-28 10:40 pm
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可是我也好像沒見到有500mA的BS1361Fuse o.o 可能是我孤陋寡聞
BS1631 容量布 1A,2A,3A,5A,13A
BS88 容量有2A,4A,6A,10A,16A,20A 或更大
Control Fuse 只是個名稱,在下理解是一切用作保護"控制線路"上的熔絲也可以叫Control Fuse.
現代貨櫃碼頭(MTL)的萬一伏特掣櫃用的Control Fuse是20A,用途包括,真空斷路器(VCB)的開關,跳脫,指示燈電源,電子式IDMT的供電等等
在閣下家中那些,電熱水壺,洗衣機,冷氣機,當中的那一塊電子控制板上,那一條玻璃Fuse也是Control Fuse
Control 控制/控制線路 Fuse 熔絲
之於用6A MCB作為控制線路之方面,好像是跳脫可以馬上復位,不用找Spare,但這也是MCB的壞處,因為壞了不會跳也不知

2007-09-28 16:37:25 補充:
例如一個電動機起動器(Motor Starter),會分兩部份主電路 - 電源主要供電動機使用控制線路電源 - 電源主要供電磁接觸器,繼電路,時間掣,指示燈等等控制線路有時候會轉以 12,24,24或110伏特安全電壓,但仍可以使用220V,因此與電壓無關
2007-09-26 1:34 am
Above..Ho sir..
Let me clarify you said the BS standard..
HRC/ HBC fuse under BS88 part-2 (almost used in industrial)
Glass fuse under BS1361(e.g. Domestic)

In building switcboard, because high breaking capacity (20KA fault current; it will not exposive) . the control fuse is using the BS88 part-2 (rating 2A & 6A very common).

Inside your DVD M/C, hi-Fi, and small accessories.. the fuse is glass fuse, not marked BS1361...(rating 2A, 500mA, 1A and etc...)

Your's 13A plug.(220V).The standard using BS1361 for overload protection fuse.

In general, lot of electrician use the 6A MCB for protection fuse to protect the associate control circuit.

In electronic board, 1A DP MCB is very common in french product. e.g. HK WSD, Ozone control I/O panel (sub-circuit).

For larger I/O digital point(s). The control signal protection fuse (mA rating) is very common. It prevent the large fault current to damage the electronic equipment..

2007-09-25 8:56 am
Control Fuse 係用係D控制電路處,以防止電路短路是燒毀其他D電路電器,通常係用2A ~ 6A 既 HRC Fuse ( BS1361 ),不過都可以用6A MCB架。

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