
2007-09-24 10:40 pm

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2007-09-24 10:43 pm
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****** 中文資料 (Chinese Version) ******


(A) 髮型種類:
平頭 , 莫西幹頭 , 辮子 , 扭捲Twists , 馬尾Ponytail , 髮辮子Braids , 籐籃髮辮Alpine Braids , 法式髮辮French Braid , 古典短髮Classic Bob , 騎士蝴蝶結Cavalier Bow , 墮馬髻 ,爆炸式 , 瀏海 , 雙馬尾

(1) 馬尾辮


在中國,據說劉海起源自武則天當政時期。根據傳說,一起宮廷政變被破獲,上官婉兒被牽連進去,被武則天下令施以黥刑(在臉上刺字)。但是後來發現可能上官 婉兒是為了保護她,因此在行刑時改用硃砂在額頭刺梅花。由於這還是有犯罪含義,因此上官婉兒從額頂梳下一些頭髮遮住印記,稱為「劉海」。許多女子看見後覺 得這樣很漂亮,紛紛效仿,流傳開來。


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****** 英文資料 (English Version) ******

For the terminology used in finance, is haircut (finance). For humans, haircut, hairstyle, or hairdo normally describe cutting or styling head hair. Hair styles are often used to signal cultural, social, and ethnic identity. Hair styles in both men and women also vary with current fashion trends, and are often used to determine social status.

(A) Types of hair-style / haircuts
·Afro a hairstyle popular with people of African descent;
·Bantu/Zulu knotsHaircut of African origin consisting of many small buns.
·Beatle haircut or 'Moptop'.
·The Beehive, a large "big hair" style popular in the 1960s.
·Big hair, various styles denoting a lot of volume.
·Buzz cut, also called a butch cut; short all over.
·Bowl cut or "Moe", after the Three Stooges character.
·Caesar cut, a short men's cut with longer bangs
·Chelsea girl, a girl or woman who is part of the skinhead subculture.
·Chonmage, a samurai's topknot
·Comb over, combing hair over a bald spot.
·Cornrows, raised, continuous braids, woven closely to the scalp
·Crew cut, similar to buzz
·Crop, a very short woman's cut.
·Croydon facelift
·David Ortiz style, a hairstyle worn by George Diaz and his cousin Cliff Diaz.
·Devilock, Short in back and on sides, long in front.
·Duck's Ass, combed long on sides, parted in back
·Finger wave, popular in the 1920s and 1930s.
·French braid .
·French twist
·High and tight.
·High Top Fade.
·Hockey Hair, short bangs with medium length "flipped up" hair in the back and sides.
·Horseshoe Flattop.
·Ivy League Cut
·Jheri curl.
·Japanese Hair Straightening
·Layered hair
·Liberty spikes.
·Low and tight.
·Messed up Hair .
·Mohawk or 'Mohican'.
·Pageboy, a hairstyle in which the hair is almost shoulder-length except for a fringe in the front
·Ponytail, a hairstyle where most of the wearer's hair is pulled away from the face and gathered at the back
·PushBack, a hairstyle worn by Si
·Quiff, a hairstyle where part of the hair is put up high on the top of the head
·Wings, a new hairstyle similar to the Beatles cut but with the side and back bangs flipped up by the use of a Ballcap, Usually worm with medium-long haircuts. 參考資料: 中文: 維基百科 (http://zh.wikipedia .org) ; 英文: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia .org)
****** 中國髮型歷史 (China History in Hairstyle) ******
清朝滿族統治者在關外已然推行「剃髮易服」政策。用暴力手段強迫全國漢族人改剃滿族髮型,作為臣服的標誌。 補充時間:2006-07-26 12:04:57

參考: 注:閣下請不要棄掉問題~忘記選最佳回答~浪費在下的心血~~!!

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