
2007-09-24 12:42 pm
我想問問有d咩software或網址(免費)可壓縮相片? 我想把相放在yahoo既flickr相簿, 但許多相片容量太大(由MB轉KB), 好快滿, 請幫忙!

回答 (2)

2007-09-25 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
To compress multiple pictures into one file.

1 ) Download Winrar from http://www.rarlab.co m/download.htm.
2 ) Install Winrar
3 ) Select all the pictures that you want to compress
4 ) Right click and select WinRar
5 ) Select "Add to XXX.rar"
6) Then the XXX.rar will be in the same location as your pictures.

To compress 1 picture so it has a smaller file size

1 ) Open the picture using Paint (小畫家)
2 ) Press Ctrl+W ( same as Image -> Stretch\Skew )
3 ) Change both 100%s to maybe 70%s or 80%s
4 ) And then save the file by going to File -> Save
If you want to save as another file, go to File -> Save as

我估你的問題係想張d相變造細張d...等個file size都減少

好多software 都做到
resize image >save as [filename].jpg
*.jpg 個 quality 可以較低d咁樣, 張相file size可以細d

不過做了以上的動作, 張相出來的quality會差d

其實可以就咁張d相 zip左佢,..之後email俾人

software list:

For Photo resize
infraview etc.

For Zip
winrar etc.

首推呢種, 完全免費, 多功能圖片瀏覽及轉換軟件 : Faststone Image Viewer & Editor :
下載 : http://www.faststone .org/ , 如你有用過 ACD See, 一定覺得好相似.
2007-09-24 1:34 pm


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