
2007-09-24 6:40 am
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 點解

回答 (3)

2007-09-24 6:48 am
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中文病名係 心房纤颤

W-P-W wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with atrial fibrillation

Wolff 帕金森白色综合症状 (WPW) 是前励磁综合症状 由于 辅助路 通认作为 捆绑肯特. 这条辅助路是反常电子通信从 心房 对心室。

WPW 综合症状的发生是在0 之间。总人口的1 和百分之3 。[ 1 ],[ 2 ],[ 3 ] 当大多数个体以WPW 综合症状依然是 无症状 在他们的整个生活中, 有猝死同事风险以WPW 综合症状。 猝死由于WPW 综合症状是罕见的(?0 的发生。6%[ 4 ],[ 5 ]), 和归结于辅助路的作用 tachyarrhythmias 在这些个体。

詳細自己上一下個望看吧, 謝謝
2007-10-02 4:37 am
2007-09-24 7:53 am


Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW)
沃- 帕- 懷氏綜合症(預激綜合症)

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is a syndrome of pre-excitation of the ventricles of the heart due to an accessory pathway known as the Bundle of Kent. This accessory pathway is an abnormal electrical communication from the atria to the ventricles.

The incidence of WPW syndrome is between 0.1 and 3% of the general population.

While the vast majority of individuals with WPW syndrome remain asymptomatic throughout their entire lives, there is a risk of sudden death associated with the syndrome. Sudden death due to WPW syndrome is rare (incidence of less than 0.6%), and is due to the effect of the accessory pathway on tachyarrhythmias in these individuals.

What is the heart's normal condition?
In a normal heart, electrical signals use only one path when they move through the heart. This is the atrio-ventricular or A-V node. As the electrical signal moves from the heart's upper chambers (the atria) to the lower chambers (the ventricles), it causes the heart to beat. For the heart to beat properly, the timing of the electrical signal is important.

What is the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome?

If there's an extra conduction pathway, the electrical signal may arrive at the ventricles too soon. This condition is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW). It's in a category of electrical abnormalities called "pre-excitation syndromes."

It's recognized by certain changes on the electrocardiogram, which is a graphical record of the heart's electrical activity. The ECG will show that an extra pathway or shortcut exists from the atria to the ventricles.

Many people with this syndrome who have symptoms or episodes of tachycardia (rapid heart rhythm) may have dizziness, chest palpitations, fainting or, rarely, cardiac arrest. Other people with WPW never have tachycardia or other symptoms. About 80 percent of people with symptoms first have them between the ages of 11 and 50.


在一個正常的心臟,電訊號只使用一條道路通過心臟。當電訊號由心房通至心室,心臟就會跳動。 要心臟正常跳動,電訊號節拍的準確性是很重要的。




發作性心動過速會引致頭暈,胸部心悸,暈厥,甚至心跳驟停。 但亦有很多人毫無症狀。有症狀的人當中約80 %的人會11歲和50歲之間出現症狀。

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