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Do you mean a website that introduces Neopets?
This is a really BRILLIANT chinese website. It covers lots of introduction about Neopets. You can get much information and help there.
Here is a welcome message of this website:
歡迎來到尼奧寵物的介紹網站,這裡是收集分享尼奧寵物線上遊戲(neopets)各式資訊的地方, 藉以幫助所有中文玩家。更期待大家幫忙提供任何建議和宣傳,幫助這裡美好喔!本站非協會網站,只是想幫助大家玩起尼奧更有趣、更方便。有心讓本站成為資料最齊全的中文尼奧寵物網站。
I strongly recommand this website to you. And I hope you enjoy playing on Neopets and visiting the mentioned website.
Hope I can help you!
2007-09-26 20:55:42 補充: