
2007-09-23 11:43 pm

回答 (3)

2007-09-23 11:47 pm
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Nike(Nike, NYSE:NKE)是一家美國體育用品生產商,主要生產運動鞋、運動服裝、體育用品,以自己的品牌銷售,包括Nike、Air Jordan、Nike Golf、Team Starter等,亦包括屬下全資擁有的品牌Bauer、Cole Haan、Converse與Hurley International等。



愛迪達斯(adidas)是一間德國運動用品製造商,是Adidas AG的成員公司。愛迪達以其創辦人阿道夫·達斯勒(Adolf Adi Dassler)命名,在1920年於接近紐倫堡的赫佐格奧拉赫(Herzogenaurach)開始生產鞋類產品。1949年8月18日以adidas AG名字登記。愛迪達的服裝及運動鞋設計通常都可見到3條平行間條,在其標誌上亦可見,3條間條是愛迪達的特色。

愛迪達原本由兩兄弟共同開設,在分道揚鑣後,阿道夫的哥哥魯道夫·達斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)開設了敵對的運動品牌彪馬。


目前Adidas在運動用品的市場佔有率上緊隨「Nike」其後排名第二。Adidas的商標上一句廣告語便是:沒有不可能(impossible is nothing).



這件軼事被記載在一部成功的德國電影「伯恩奇蹟」(Das Wunder von Bern)中,這部電影所講述的正是關於1954年世界盃的故事。
參考: Wikipedia
2007-10-01 9:46 pm
adidas)是一間德國運動用品製造商,是Adidas AG的成員公司。愛迪達以其創辦人阿道夫·達斯勒(Adolf Adi Dassler)命名,在1920年於接近紐倫堡的赫佐格奧拉赫(Herzogenaurach)開始生產鞋類產品。1949年8月18日以adidas AG名字登記。愛迪達的服裝及運動鞋設計通常都可見到3條平行間條,在其標誌上亦可見,3條間條是愛迪達的特色。

愛迪達原本由兩兄弟共同開設,在分道揚鑣後,阿道夫的哥哥魯道夫·達斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)開設了敵對的運動品牌彪馬。


目前Adidas在運動用品的市場佔有率上緊隨「Nike」其後排名第二。Adidas的商標上一句廣告語便是:沒有不可能(impossible is nothing).


這件軼事被記載在一部成功的德國電影「伯恩奇蹟」(Das Wunder von Bern)中,這部電影所講述的正是關於1954年世界盃的故事。




在台灣,愛迪達贊助了職棒La new熊隊,SBL達欣隊及樸園建設隊(原東風隊),另外還贊助了朱木炎(跆拳道)、詹詠然(網球)、盧彥勳(網球)、羅興樑(籃球-台灣啤酒隊)、李學林(籃球-裕隆隊)、王志群(籃球-達欣隊)、張智峰(籃球-達欣隊)、吳永仁(籃球-緯來獵人隊)、簡嘉宏(籃球-樸園建設隊)等多位國內知名優秀運動選手。

「愛迪達」(Adidas)以其創辦人阿道夫·達斯勒(Adolf Dassler)的綽號(Adi)加上姓氏(Dassler)的頭三個字母組成。
常有人誤會ADIDAS表示「整天只夢想到運動(或足球)(或性愛)」("All Day I Dream About Sports (or Soccer)")(orSex)")。

2007-10-01 13:50:18 補充:
Nike(Nike, NYSE:NKE)是一家美國體育用品生產商,主要生產運動鞋、運動服裝、體育用品,以自己的品牌銷售,包括Nike、Air Jordan、Nike Golf、Team Starter等,亦包括屬下全資擁有的品牌Bauer、Cole Haan、Converse與Hurley International等。
參考: 維基百科
2007-09-23 11:57 pm
History of Nike

Nike, originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports, was founded by University of Oregon track athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in 1962. The company initially operated as a distributer for Japanese shoe maker Tiger, making most sales at track meets out of Knight's car. Many top Oregon runners began wearing the shoes, and the shoe's popularity grew quickly. The company's first self-designed product was based on Bowerman's "waffle" design in which the sole of the shoe was molded by a waffle iron. A 1965 Warner Brothers cartoon featured the coyote trying to catch up to the road runner in Nike (rather than the usual Acme), perhaps an inspiration for the later use of the name. The company's profits grew quickly, and in 1966, its first retail store was opened. In 1978, Blue Ribbon Sports renamed itself to Nike after the Greek goddess and sponsored runner Steve Prefontaine. The sponsorship of athletes became a key marketing tool for the rapidly growing company.

By 1980, Nike had reached a 50% market share in the United States athletic shoe market. Its growth was due largely to word of mouth advertisement, rather than television or print adverts, which Knight and others in the industry found distasteful. Nike's first television commercial ran in 1987. Throughout the 1980s, Nike expanded its product line to include many other sports and regions throughout the world.


History of Adidas

Adidas AG (ISIN: DE0005003404) is a major German sports apparel manufacturer, part of the Adidas Group, consisting of Reebok sportswear company, Taylormade golf company, Maxfli golf balls, and Adidas golf and is the second largest sportswear manufacturer in the world. The company was named after its founder, Adolf (Adi) Dassler, in 1948. Dassler had been producing shoes starting in 1920 in Herzogenaurach, near Nuremberg, with the help of his brother, Rudolf Dassler, who later formed the other shoe company Puma. The company registered as adidas AG on 18 August 1949 (with lower-case lettering). The company's clothing and shoe designs typically feature three parallel stripes, and this same motif is incorporated into Adidas's current official logo. The company revenue for 2005 was listed at 6.6 billion euro, or about 8.4 billion U.S. dollars. Adidas revenue for 2006 was listed at 10.084 billion euro, or about 13.625 billion U.S. dollars. Adidas perfumery and personal care products are manufactured by Coty, Inc. under license worldwide.


2007-09-23 15:59:16 補充:

2007-09-23 16:07:42 補充:
案例:阿迪達斯與耐克的品牌故事阿迪:以奧運為舞台   1928年,當公司創始人阿迪·達斯勒,為參加阿姆斯特丹奧運會的運動員縫制第一雙運動鞋開始,阿迪達斯的歷史就和奧運會緊密地聯系到一起了───至少有三次以上的奧運官方供應商資歷,在雅典奧運會上,阿迪達斯向所有28項運動中的26項提供裝備。事實上,正是奧運會這種國際體育比賽為阿迪達斯提供了展示產品品質的最佳平台,也正是這一營銷特色成就了後來的阿迪達斯。 http://chanye.finance.sina.com.cn/2005-08-15/259459.shtml

2007-09-23 16:08:03 補充:
耐克:金字塔形形象推廣戰略   耐克起源于1962年,由菲爾·耐特首創,當時命名為“藍絲帶體育”,20世紀70年代正式更名為Nike。1980年佔據約50%的美國市場份額,初步超過阿迪達斯在美國運動鞋業內坐頭把交椅。從那時起,耐克開始實行積極進取的市場活動,簽約頂級運動員,並創造了“只管去做(JustDoIt)”這一口號。 http://chanye.finance.sina.com.cn/2005-08-15/259459.shtml

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