translation (8)

2007-09-23 11:28 pm
India's fuel expenses add up to 20 per cent of its total imports and Pillai's discovery raised hopes that India - along with other poor, developing nations - could free themselves from their debt to the oil-pumping nations of the Gulf. The excited Indian press compared Pillai to Albert Einstein. He was given armed guards and taken to a big house in New Delhi. Then it came to an unsatisfactory end for him.

回答 (1)

2007-09-24 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
印度在燃料方面的支出達到進口總量的百分之20. 彼萊氏(Pillai)的發現為印度和其他貧窮的發展中國家帶來了希望, 使她們有望擺脫對中東產油國的負債.
印度的媒體因為彼萊氏(Pillai)而雀躍不已, 紛紛把他和愛因斯坦相提並論. 他進住了新德里的一家大宅, 又有持槍的保全人員護衛. 可是, 結果卻令人失望.

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