我的graduation project english story 文法時態有問題 請幫幫我啦

2007-09-23 10:45 pm
Long time ago there is a hunter go hunting in the jungle everyday. One day, he found a lion cub in a cave. Roar! Roar wow! And the hunter brings the lion cub back home.
Days has past, the lion cub has grown up. But this lion is different from the others,
He is a vegetarian!! Therefore the hunter feeds him with all kinds of vegetables and fruits everyday.

回答 (3)

2007-09-23 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Long time ago there was a hunter who went hunting in the jungle every day (should be two words). One day, he found a lion cub in a cave. (What was the cub like at that time? Only big lions roar!) The hunter brought it home. Time passed and the lion cub grew bigger and bigger. But this lion was different from other lions. He / It is a vegetarian! It was because the hunter fed him / it with all kinds of fruit and vegetables every day.
參考: i am a teacher
2007-09-29 12:15 am
every day ----Present tense,
Long time ago------past tense
2007-09-23 10:52 pm
Long time ago, there WAS a hunter GOING hunting in the jungle EVERY DAY. One day, he found a lion cub in a cave. Roar! Roar wow! And the hunter BROUGHT the lion cub back home.
Days PASSED, the lion cub GREW UP GRADUALLY. But this lion WAS different from the others, He WAS a vegetarian!! Therefore the hunter FED him with all kinds of vegetables and fruits EVERY DAY.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:35:31
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