
2007-09-23 10:01 pm

1.. how big is shorghai airport ?

2..how many people in shanghei ?

3..what is the weather in summer ?

4..who is the famave(E個字可能錯左,因為唔識串=3=) singer in shanghei ?

5..what famovs river in shanghei ?

回答 (1)

2007-09-23 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Pudong is the most famous international airport, covering an area of more than 40 square kilometers (15.4 square miles).

2. The population of Shanghai is 14,173,000.

3. In summer, the average temperature in Shanghai is 31 C.

4. Wei Song, tenor, is the top famous singer in Shanghai now.

5. Yangtze River is known as the famous river in Shanghai.
參考: me

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