大學選科(mainly Engineering)出路問題

2007-09-23 11:15 am
以下十數科對我來說較有希望可以讀到, 而我亦應該有興趣的:

Building Engineering and Management
Product Analysis and Engineering Design
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Medical Laboratory

Building Engineering(Construst and Management)
Building Engineering(Strutural and Geotechincal)
Mechatronic Engineering
Materials Engineering

Chemical Engineering

但我對這十數科的出路和潛力等毫無頭緒, 請有心人可以為我解答一下。
答案不怕是抄的或者是貼上連結(但不要是整個網站啦)的, 但最緊要是詳細, 謝。

o...你既解答令到我好愁... 老實講, 我係修純理既學生, 中文PhyChemBio, 我諗轉讀商科應該冇乜機會... 何況我的確興趣在於實質D既科目(o者係唔鐘意人倫﹑管理﹑語言等) 咁我仲有咩科又有出路要求又唔高既呢, 又好似上面d科大概EECDD就入得既...? 希望你可以不煩其厭咁follow up...我真係好迷惘.....


仲有... "目前物理和職業治療師起薪點是第 14點,即約 1.88萬元,義肢矯形師及足病診療師更只是 13點,即約 1.79萬,相對學位職系有 16薪級點,即月入逾 2萬。"copied from the sina news. 個D 14點13點16點, 有冇咩地方可以睇晒咁多科既起薪點同入行率之類ga?


無論如何, 都要先講句 Thank you, especially for your immediate reply which is rescuing me from a maze.

回答 (1)

2007-09-23 12:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案

poly 的工科之前報導話佢地的畢業生被人不公平對待,話佢地學位學歷,出來同dip一樣人工

間間u出來都係o甘.我有朋友讀e d科出到來做sales, 好運d個d就做文員採購,但都係要去hkma到讀番商科...始終香港都係商業社會

以我所知,city psy收生唔低,我朋友2年之前jupas 報,佢文商科,中英CD, 2科al BC都入唔到,佢jupas最後只比到個asso佢讀...

especially,以我個人了解Medical Laboratory行頭最細,好難找到本科的工

我對e個topic 感慨良多,可能見到太多朋友的出路而有感


I'm a Sr engineer, 10yr experience, I just can say, if you can choose, don't be an engineer.
HK is a very bad city to develop engineering, no government support.
No prospect in HK, bad salary, less chance, you will have many work only.

Suggest you should consider finance and banking, more chance, easy to earn more money.

I'm an Sr. ASIC design engineer in Silicon Valley. I might not be the best person to
give you advise on job market in Hong Kong. However, I can give you some perspectives
on the career opportunities in the field.

Simply put, if you want a high paying job in Hong Kong, engineering is not right for you.

On the other hand, if you're really interested in the field of engineering (presumably R&D), you shouldn't limit yourself to Hong Kong. The high tech industry is undergoing a
tremendous globalization. A lot of jobs are shifting to Asia area like India and China.
Large companies are starting design centers in China. So, I would say it's actually easier
to get into the field compared to a couple years ago.

So, you really have to think about what's most important to you when you choose a

2007-09-23 16:35:57 補充:
HI又係我,我自己都係pure science出身,但在大學讀商科,你話你like d 實質科,其實如果以學術方面睇,科科都實質,但以香港出路睇,就唔係.我其實一直都好愛讀biochem,但因為出路好細,所以讀商,但我對biochem的熱情一直無變,所以我決定以興趣的形式在未來讀下d 有關biochem的野.因為我所愛的係"biochem",但又要為出路打算,所以e個係一個雙方平均的方法.

2007-09-23 16:36:15 補充:
EECDD都係入工科or science,都無o羊其他choose另外,你要sure你真係有EECDD...你一死一科,都可能係另一樣野.你而家都應該係中6,預計成績都未必太準.講真alevel 變化比較大,對成績中等的人比較難預成績.起薪點方面,睇黎都無用,因為佢係講找到工的人的起薪點,唔係講全部畢業生的平均起薪點,所以應該係要睇"就業率"...

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