我想問 I always listen to the radio 有冇錯

2007-09-23 8:33 am
佢問 I always listen to the radio 有咩錯

回答 (3)

2007-09-23 9:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
always 的中文解釋是 : "經常、整天都是、永遠、無論何是" 等意思。

英語對 always 的解釋是 at all times。

所以 I always listen to the radio. 是錯的。


正確句子應該是這樣 :

I often listen to the radio.

舉多一個例子 :

I always eat dumplings.

又怎麼可能整天(無論打球、洗澡、睡覺的時候) 都在吃餃子呢?

如果 always eat dumplings,一定會消化不良。

但如果說 "每個星期日都吃餃子" 的話,便可以用 always,

I always eat dumplings on Sundays.

或者 "我常常吃餃子"

I often eat dumplings.

總之,想表示 at all times 的意思,就用 always,

想表示 at many times 的意思時,就用 often。

咁你依家明唔明呢 !!!!

2007-09-25 00:34:26 補充:
其實你那一句 I always listen to the radio, 只要在有清楚界定的情況下才用 always 就對了.例如:I always listen to the radio in the evenings.參考網址http://www.wwenglish.com/epaper/en/1/6250.htm最後那部份
2007-09-23 9:45 am
I always listen to the radio.

Should be written as:

I always listen TO radio.

Take away "THE", because it makes the sentence sounds like:

I always listen to this radio.

"THE" is referring to a specific item/person. "Radio" in this sentence is a term describing your action.
2007-09-23 8:43 am
always 帶有"總是", 一定性的意思.
如: the sun always rise from the east
: my father always love my mum
: my dog always wait for me until i go back home

若是要表達"常常"的意思, 用often 會較好:

i often listen to the radio

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