
2007-09-24 3:02 am
3.在台灣要開戶投資香港股票 哪一間卷商比較優 ?

回答 (2)

2007-09-27 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you can open an account in hong kong, then you will be able to buy or sell stocks, unit trust, gold, ipo, bonds, structured product on line

Open an account via bank (almost no risk) HSBC (i used it to invest & saving) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Bank of China ,東 亞 銀 行 The Bank of East Asia, Hang Seng Bank 恆 生 銀 行

I think taiwan have HSBC ask them

also i think there couple good reason to invest in HK, 1) HK stock is much more stable than TW stocks, and 2)we do have a China watching our back, so the US market wont affect too much compare to taiwan. 3) QDII let $ come through China to HK. 4) 08 奧運 O5) the most important we have 有效、公平及透明的金融及銀行體系.

wish can help you
from hk
參考: http://www.hsbc.com.hk/1/2/home (offical hsbc web)
2015-06-08 2:06 pm
我自己本身有玩期貨拉 我這裡推薦大昌期貨~! 也可以開期貨 是**(合法卷商) **可安心 聯絡開戶
不知道你有沒有開過大昌呢?手續費也不會很貴蠻便宜低價的 ,營業員態度也很好,重點線路也很穩定喔!!
如果你覺得不錯,可以找我營業員開戶喔!! 人也很漂亮^^ 叫 蔡語璇 是大昌的營業員
她的 部落格 再這:
★LineID:yuhsuan102 (也可以用****直接聯絡他開戶)
裡面可以直接填開戶表單 找她預約開戶裡面都有聯絡方法~~可以說我推薦的喔~^^

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