Q abt 鎂離子

2007-09-23 7:05 am

12.4克Na2x中含有鈉离子0.4mol,則Na2X中的摩 質量是__,X的相對原子質量是__
鎂離子個數用24計算還是張它看成是一個來計算啊 ??

回答 (2)

2007-09-24 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
MgCl2 is 95.2g/mol
H2O is 18g/mol
so there is 0.1 mol of Mg 2+, 0.2 mol of Cl- and 5 mol of H2O
ratio of Mg2+, Cl-, H2O is 0.1 : 0.2 : 5
or 1 : 2 : 50

12.4克Na2x中含有鈉离子0.4mol,則Na2X中的摩 質量是0.2mol,
molar mass for Na2X is 62
as the molar mass of Na is 22.9898 (23)
X is O (oxygen)
Na2X is Na2O
I hope this can help your understanding. =)

molar mass for Mg is 24.312g (24)
參考: My knowledge
2007-09-28 6:49 am
鎂的molar mass是24g
參考: me ^^

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