visual basic急急急

2007-09-23 6:42 am
急急急````visual basic點use呀?急急急````visual basic點use呀?急急急````visual basic點use呀?急急急````visual basic點use呀?急急急````visual basic點use呀?急急急````visual basic點use呀?

回答 (2)

2007-09-23 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
This online tutorial was written based largely on the contents of the book Visual Basic ® 6 Made Easy: A Complete Tutorial for Beginners
which was written by the author of this website. The objective of making part of the contents of the book available to the public is to provide free tutorial for beginners and intermediate programmers who cannot afford to buy a book.
Lesson1 Lesson2 Lesson3 Lesson4 Lesson5 Lesson6 Lesson7 Lesson8 Lesson9 Lesson10 Lesson11 Lesson12 Lesson13 Lesson14 Lesson15 Lesson16 Lesson 17 Lesson18 Lesson19 Lesson20 Lesson21 Lesson22 Lesson 23 Lesson24 Lesson25

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Building a Visual Basic Application
Lesson 3: Writing the Codes
Lesson 4: Working With Controls
Lesson 5: Managing Visual Basic Data
Lesson 6 : Working With Variables
Lesson 7 : Controlling Program Flow
Lesson 8 : More on Program Control
Lesson 9 : Looping
Lesson 10 : Introduction to VB Function Part1
Lesson 11 : Introduction to VB Function Part2
Lesson 12 : Creating VB Function For MS Excel
Lesson 13 : Arrays
Lesson 14 : Working With Files
Lesson 15 : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part I
Lesson 16 : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part II
Lesson 17 : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part III
Lesson 18 : Creating Multimedia Applications: Part IV
Lesson 19 : Creating database applications in VB-Part I
Lesson 20 : Creating database applications in VB-Part II
Lesson 21 : Creating VB database applications using ADO control
Lesson 22 : Creating an Advanced VB database application
Lesson 23 : Animation- Part I
Lesson 24 : Animation-Part II
Lesson 25: Animation- Part III

From Microsoft:
http://msdn.microsof ce/vbasic/ px -- Has some videos on VB.NET

Others: -- A bit messy, but has good info from beginner to advanced
http://www.devcity.n et/ -- Haven't read it
http://www.cespage.c om/vb/tutorials.html -- Haven't read it

Do a search on a search engine. Search for

"Visual Basic 2005 Express" tutorial ual+basic+2005+expre ss%22+tutorial&s tart=0&ie=utf-8& amp;oe=utf-8&cli ent=firefox-a&rl s=org.mozilla:en-US: official

2007-09-23 7:08 am
看過書 用過軟件係唔識
即使一個熟手用visual basic 在3個鐘頭都係教你一些基本東西
例如咩叫capition /點用句子來利用工具做到個效果

一句話係你唔俾錢 又點教你 好多要當面教
參考: 學過VB

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