eco GNP

2007-09-23 1:34 am


回答 (2)

2007-09-23 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No. The above answer is wrong.
Both GDP and GNP measure the value of production. The gain is considered a transfer of wealth from other party to another party, without correspinding production.
One may argue that dividend, as part of profit, represents the value of production by firms and should be included in GDP if such profit is made in Hong Kong, and in GNP if such profit is earned by resident company. While this is true, its value is included in company's profit. The gain by the investor in forms of dividend is not included to avoid double counting.
Dividend will be counted in Personal Income (PI) only if the company giving dividend is a non-resident company.
2007-09-23 6:57 pm
Remember GNP is more about the nationality of people whereas GDP focus on where the economics activities taking place

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