
2007-09-23 12:44 am
thz x100000000

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2007-09-23 1:13 am
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news title:佈局棄嬰16歲爸爸被捕 未剪臍帶嬰兒送院 3少年稱街頭拾獲

It is indeed sad that despite the much acclaimed gains in public health sector, an estimated 15,000 mothers are dying annually as a result of pregnancy related complications.

The ministry of Health revealed the depressing statistics on Thursday.

It is even worse that more than half of the victims are teenage girls, who lose their lives as they attempt to procure abortions. Most of the girls are lured into unprotected sex by adults who abandon them on realising they are expectant.

While teenage mothers go for either self-induced abortions or to backstreet quacks, most elderly mothers die due to ignorance or lack of medical facilities near them.

For others, biting poverty makes it impossible for them to seek any medical help, which is necessary after conception.

It is however, strange that despite the improved health facilities and service delivery in Government hospitals, only 40 per cent of mothers deliver their babies in those facilities.

Doctors have explained that some of the mothers have been forced by retrogressive cultural practices to deliver at home. Others genuinely lack access to health facilities and are therefore forced to deliver at home.

It is, however, gratifying that the Government is rolling out a Sh1 billion public health education campaign to sensitise mothers and caretakers on the importance of delivering in hospital or with the help of a qualified health worker.

This campaign should also help boost the recent Government waiver of expenses previously incurred by expectant mothers admitted to public hospitals.

Causes of the deaths are avoidable and it is therefore prudent that such a campaign, if well implemented, could significantly reverse the negative trend.

The campaign should also educate young girls on the dangers and consequences of premarital sex. The worst hit areas are Coast, Nyanza and North Eastern Provinces, incidentally the same regions score poorly in national examinations.
參考: the standard

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:17:28
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