✔ 最佳答案
The Royal Ballet School
And the fees depends on upper school or lower school you want to get in.
The way to applicate it:
1. Hand in the application form
2. Hand in the photograph( such as pile, tendus...)
3. Hand in a video( barre work, centre work, pointe work)
4. audition
PS. you can search it in the Royal Ballet School website
the royal ballet school 其實係其中一個外國既芭蕾舞學校(佢係英國既)
而澳洲就有victorian College of Arts(
http://www.vca. unimelb.edu.au/dance /) , 紐西蘭有New Zealand School of Dance(
http://www.tew haea.org.nz/nzschdan ce/nzschdance-home.h tml) , 大陸有北京舞蹈學院. 好難講話邊間係最出名ka... 主要係睇你中意邊間學校既教法.... 好似the royal ballet school 既教法d graduate 會小腿好有力... australian ballet school 就唔會... New Zealand School of Dance 教出黎個肚腩會鬆d..........
要申請入學通常都係填左佢個application form, 同埋一餅你自己單人錄既跳舞帶... (要錄d 咩就睇邊間學校la... 有d 要你平日上堂既野... 有d 會要你跳一隻舞.... ) 一齊寄返學校... 有d 仲會要你考埋英文試tim (好似New Zealand School of Dance 要求考IELTS 咁) 跟住要等interview 同audition....
澳洲同紐西蘭學校學費大約係一年80000-10000 附近..(因為年年唔同所以唔肯定) 生活費同學費差唔多. 所以一年大約要20000 左右.....
唔知d 資料幫唔幫到你呢?
ps: 我聽過有個人响香港跳舞有outstanding achievement 跟住the hong kong ballet group 比左個scholarship 佢去外國跳舞呀.... 所以.... 努力呀!