
2007-09-22 6:16 pm

回答 (2)

2007-09-22 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. For UK:
You can either choose to complete a foundation year or to complete a year 12 and 13. The foundation year will save you a year to study, whereas college would take 2 years before go to university.Usually, it is easier to get in the top university than taking foundation year.
For Australia:
After you complete F.5 in HK, you can either apply for a study of foundation(if your result of GCSE in HK is good enough) or year 12. Usually university only accept the foundation student from it's own provided foundation, unless you get a really good result.

4. UK AL and CE are definitely easier than HK. Their Maths is so easy when compare to HK, still remember their Maths is only up to F.2 Maths when in year 10(F.4) in UK. Their Chinese subject is so easy, all my friendsget A+ in GCSE. It cannot guaranteen of how you result would be. All I can tell is UK is easier than HK. Besides, It is also hard to tell how ossible you can get in a good university since it's hard to predict your result and every year is different. They are just like demand & supply. People have to get very high mark to get into a top uni when everyone are so good on tha year.

5. Definitly yes. The world ranking of university is not bad in Australia when compare to UK. ANU Australia was in the 16th in 2006, there are only 3 UK uni rank before ANU. There were only 7 UK uni infront of the uni that i am studying in Australia right now. So, study in Australia may possibily better than UK if you can not get the top 10 uni in UK.

2007-09-23 20:44:46 補充:
Actually, that wouldn't be a matter even if you changed from science to commerce. I got many friends were in science stream when they study in hk but then changed into commerce during foundation. They are still fine to study commerce in university.

2007-09-23 20:45:40 補充:
You may have to put more effort than others, but that wouldnt be hard. Because they are more emphasised on maths rather than other subjects in commerce. You may have advantages since you have study science and the maths should be much more harder.

2007-09-23 20:46:18 補充:
Please understand that the maths are much more easir in foreign countries like UK and Australia than Hk and China.
參考: me, I've been studied in UK and currently study in australia
2007-09-23 1:38 am
1 讀完中5, 可去英國升中六(讀A-Level).
亦可讀一年foundation, 以這年的校內成績報大學.
讀foundation 係可以升到Up 20英國U既, 如warwick, nottingham, aston, bath.... 之類. (I am sure). 不過睇你讀邊間學校既foundation, 有細佬去年都係去讀Foundation, 今年已升左上nottingham U. 佢亦有同學升上 nottingham, warwick 同Bath.
其實foundation 既學校有超多間, 至重要係間學校同大學的聯繫好, 老師勁, 會幫到你好多.

不過如果讀foundation就吾好諗報最top個几間,cambridge oxford 同imperial 只係收A-Level 學生. 所以選擇A-Level 或 foundation 各有各好. A-level 就咩U都可以報, 但要讀兩年同要考公開試.

2. 英國讀書壓力較細,一般會考十零分, 升到上U都會應付到.當然還要看你努吾努力.

3.http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/good_university_guide/article526747.ece (Times online 的排名俾你睇睇, 不過名次吾係全部)

4. 呢條我吾係太明, 如果你會考16-18分, 你已可以升讀英國中學的AL, 或入foundation, 你無必要repeat 英國的中五, 而且英國中學收生嚴謹, 年齡亦有一定限制, 超齡學生好時都吾會收. 如果你想去英國升中6, 一定要提早搵學校, 最好一年之前就開始搵, 否則好學校都無位了.

我屋企都有人在英國讀書的, 而我是在澳洲讀書, 所以如有問題可以email我大家交流下啦.
[email protected]

Good Luck

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