點解我部Toyota Porte 1.5r個自動門開門時有時只係開大半, 唔係開哂?

2007-09-22 4:15 pm
點解我部Toyota Porte 1.5r個自動門開門時有時只係開大半, 唔係開哂? 睇佢門下面好似有一粒嘢有時會彈出, 頂住自已, 咁就會開得一半. 但我就唔知佢幾時開哂, 幾時開一半.

我睇唔明本日文說明書, 有冇英文板?

回答 (3)

2007-09-24 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我今晚收車呀, 好期待, 我幫你問啦!
架車好唔好開 ?

2007-09-25 23:29:17 補充:
we have ask for the sale, he sais the door cannot open enough , because of you are open the window before , if you close the window and close the door again , after open the door this is open all ....

2007-09-27 23:57:11 補充:
car is okay I like it too much , we change the 4 wheels ( used the thicker one instead is too thin wheels ) after the feeling are very well and the car inside change to more tranquil and not so noisy , but I don't know why the air condition are very bad . [email protected]
2008-01-25 12:17 am
乘客位隻窗開左, 就唔可以全開ga~
2008-01-08 9:39 pm
我都係渣 PORTE~得閒交流O下

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