抽羊胎水 help me plz

2007-09-22 8:18 am
Im 28 yrs old and 2nd to be, rightnow Im 17 weeks pregnant... In 16 week抽羊胎水s Dr. took a blood test and the result is need to 抽羊胎水. Im so scare.. I dont know why I need to 抽羊胎水. She only told me the blood test has some problem of the baby and need to comfirm by the 羊胎水. Does anyone has this problem? And the worst result is what?

Thx ladies.... Im going to ask more information.... Actually I live in NY... dont know is it the differnet between HK and NY nei?.... I will update more afterward.....


My Dr. called back, she said the blood test result is my trisomy 18 is high.. so i need to check 羊胎水. what can i do~~~


I got the blood report... Trisomy 18 result is 1:65... is it high?

回答 (3)

2007-09-23 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to do the amniocentesis.
It is not because of your age, but because your blood result is abnormal.
You probably did a blood test + ultrasound measurement of the nuchal fold (skin behind neck) of the baby. This group of test is called OSCAR.
By OSCAR, the chances of having a baby with trisomy 13, trisomy 18 and Down syndrome are calculated.
So probably now you have an abnormal test result, i.e. the chance calculated from your blood test + ultrasound data shows the baby is very likely to have trisomy 18, i.e. one more chromosome 18.
Trisomy 18 is also called Edward syndrome. A child with trisomy 18 may not survive very long. If he/she does survive, he/she will have many problems, which may even be worse than those of a Downs baby.
Imagine if this baby is indeed abnormal. Do you want to have an abortion? If you decide to keep the baby anyway (which is not a very clever choice), you can skip the amniocentesis. Otherwise, you should do it.
2007-09-22 9:06 am
廿八歲絕對不是高齡產婦,十七週更胎齡少。除非你上一胎有些什麼問題,否則一般情況都不用抽胎水。你有權問清楚是什麼事、有權seek for second opinion才決定、更有權say NO。究竟佢擔心乜野攪到要抽胎水?你知嗎,抽胎水有機會導致流產的,真係唔係話抽就抽的?如你所言屬實,咁佢未免有點輕率 。你可以搵另一個可靠d的醫生做多一次檢查(超聲波和抽血),睇結果點,是否真的有需要抽羊水。



2007-09-22 10:52:21 補充:

2007-09-22 12:08:56 補充:
我終於找到Trisomy 18是怎麼一回事,原來是第18對染色體多了一條。除了18,其他染色體都有可能出現這個情況,如:21, 13... 這些是較罕見的病,有個英文website是介紹這種病的,你可以去看看。不過,不用太快擔心,因為醫生還是在懷疑階段而矣。現在最重要是放鬆心情,因你緊張,BB會feel到的。願主祝福您們!

2007-09-22 13:35:22 補充:
參考: 三B之母
2007-09-22 8:50 am
No need to 抽羊胎水 only 17 weeks pregnant. Baby is not stable. I advise you to see more than one doctor to confirm. I've two kids. My doctor asked me to 抽羊胎水 about 24- 28 months. Then I asked another two doctors. Finally I did not take this test. My kids are very healthy now. ^^ Relax and try your best to find out the reasons. See more doctors take more advice.
參考: me

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