Should Freedom of Speech be limited at school?

2007-09-22 12:23 am
explain a little bit

回答 (10)

2007-09-22 12:43 am
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As noted in other answers, the primary purpose of school is to teach. How to read, how to write, how to think critically, how to do math, etc.

A school is not a public forum as such limitations on speech do not invade the Freedom of Speech. I think within certain confines students should be allowed to speak freely. Within the classroom, the speech should be confined to the subject being taught and should conform to the rules of polite conversation.

Outside the classroom, and in extracurriculars, the rules should be less strict. However, rules of basic politeness and proper language (e.g. no profanity, no attempts to start a fight, etc.) should still apply.
2007-09-22 12:30 am
Like anything else, freedom of speech can be taken to extremes. At school, the bigger duty is to listen and learn. Within boundaries, expression might be encouraged, but verbal bullying, rudeness etc. are over-stepping the mark, and limits would be appropriate.
2007-09-22 3:35 am
of course not. we have the right to say what we want to say
2007-09-22 12:46 am
Freedom of Speech actually corresponds to political views. We have stretched that a lot. I think that student should be able to say whatever they want, and I think others should have enough self-esteem to put up with it. If a person breaks down crying because another person said something mean to them, it says a lot about their character.
2007-09-22 12:40 am
No - Because after all school is where you go to learn. Weither we like it or not this is where the values of our constitution needs to be taught.
2007-09-22 12:32 am
As long as it is not meant or directed to hurt another human being or stop progress from moving forward then in the USA they have this let them speak!!!
2007-09-22 12:31 am
Absolutely not.

I think that students should be able to write about whatever they please as long as it stimulates the mind. However (my hipocritacle side) it should be within certain guidelines, such as foul language should be left outside of class, or at the least should not be the attention of the class, as well as pornographic material should be guided.

Such as a student shouldn't put foul language in a speech or shouldn't write a "thrilling" story to share with the class...however I think that there should be some kind of law about that in public, but then again after that the government might go overboard....
2007-09-22 12:28 am
It all depends on what you are talking about. Racism and hate, yes, anything that would cause harm to another person, yes. Anything else no. Read the 1st Amendment. it's all in there.
2007-09-22 12:27 am
no, let the kids express themselves
2007-09-22 12:29 am
Yes.....the goal of a school is to teach children, there has to be some structure for that to happen..... are you suggesting 8 hrs a day of nothing but kids hopping up on their chairs and orating with all 5 of their years of wisdom?

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