ask question個時,幾時知用do定is/are?

2007-09-22 6:44 am
ask question個時,幾時知用do定is/are?

for example;

do you still keep in touch with them.這是正確的
are you still keep in touch with them.我老師說這是錯誤的

is your brother still working in a bank?這是正確的
do your brother still working in a bank?我老師又說這是錯誤的


回答 (5)

2007-09-23 8:22 am
so easy !

1/do you still keep in touch with them.這是正確的
~ because (keep) is a verb, u can't use are

2/do your brother still working in a bank?我老師又說這是錯誤的
~ because ( still working ) is Present Continuous tense.
[am/is/are + present participle}
2007-09-22 9:28 am
- 問題後面係 verb (present tense) =>前面用 Do (Do u feel alright?)
當然,如果問緊過去了的就用 Did (Did you go to school yesterday?)
feel 同 go 都係verb (present tense) => 前面用Do /Did

- 問題後面唔係verb,係 adjective、Gerund、noun 、present continuous tense =>前面用 Is/Are
eg: Is she beautiful?
Is it a dog?
Is he working?

如果後面係 past participle =>前面用 Has/Have
eg: Have you been to Hong Kong?
Have you finished your homework?
參考: me, a UK student
2007-09-22 7:39 am
Actually, im studying in an international school, and one way that our teacher taught us is to say the question as if it's an answer.

For example, if u don't know when to use is/are/do, do it this way...
Your question is: is your brother still working in a bank?
Think of an answer to that question.
Your answer will then be something like "My brother IS still working in a bank" and it will be wrong if you say, "My brother DO still working in a bank."

Do you understand?

Let's try another example.
"Do/Are you in love with him?"

Think of how you will answer that question.
"I do in love with him" or "I am in love with him"?

It should be the "I am in love with him", right?
So when you ask the question,
it would be "ARE you in love with him?"

Hope you understnad what i mean...
參考: my teacher ^^
2007-09-22 7:07 am
Are係用喺present continuous(e.g. is working, is playing, is driving)度. 二年級以上應該知.

Are you still keep in touch with them中的keep係唔係present continuous?唔係ar!

所以,Are you still keep in touch with them錯左.


Are you still keeping in touch with them?

只係將present(keep)轉為present continuous(keeping)

Do係用喺present tense(e.g. work, play, drive)度,所以

Do you still keep in touch with them係正確的.

Is同are都係一樣,係用喺present continuous度,只係singular同plural.

Is your brother still WORKING in a bank? working係present continuous.


相反,do係用喺present tense度

Do your brother still working in a bank中的working唔係present,而係present continuous

參考: myself
2007-09-22 6:50 am
do ""you""係講你自己, still "keep"動詞 in touch with them
is ""your brother""係講你細佬 "still"動詞 working in a bank?
參考: 自己

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