
2007-09-22 6:07 am
1.'I like ________(have)a nap in the taxi.I also enjoy_____________(listen) to the roadio in the taxi.'

2.Nancy hates____________(travel)by tram or bus because she tinks these types of transport are too slow.

3.She does not like______________(take)the taxibecause taxis are expensive.She likes______________(take)the MTR!

回答 (5)

2007-09-22 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.having, listening
3.taking, taking

所有verb既前面係like, enjoy, hate, dislike 衣d字眼,
2007-09-22 4:50 pm
1. I like TO HAVE a nap in the taxi. I also enjoy LISTENING to the radio in the taxi
2. Nancy hates TRAVELING by tram or bus because she thinks these types of transport are too slow.
3. She does not like TAKING the taxi because taxis are expensive. She likes TAKING the MTR!

2007-09-22 08:55:24 補充:
If the 1st one (I like___(have)) is having, the whole sentance would have to be like this:I like having naps.nap would have to be plural in order to make sense
參考: myself. all of them are 100% correct.
2007-09-22 6:56 am
1.having, listening
3.taking, taking
2007-09-22 6:53 am
1.having, listening
3.taking, taking
2007-09-22 6:25 am
1. having / listening
2. travelling
3. taking / taking

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