寫講稿 (英文)

2007-09-22 4:09 am
要做presentation 題目係 Why is it important for student to study English??

唔洗好長 夠講2~3分鐘就ok~

回答 (3)

2007-09-22 4:55 am
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Good morning/afternoon, today I would like to share my view for why it is important to study English, firstly, as we all know the English language is playing an important part in the world today, when we communicate with people from other country, we speak to them in English and they will easily understand what we are saying.
Secondly, for example, if I would like to find information about a country, say, France, it is likely that the information will be available in English as well as in French, I personally do not speak French, but since I am studying English, I will be easier to understand what the information is about, if I don’t study English I wouldn’t understand what the information since I don’t understand both language at all.
In conclusion, I think English is quite easy to learn and by learning it, I can understand many things that I don’t normally will get the chance to know, that is what I think is important to study English, thank you.

參考: 自己
2007-09-23 11:29 am
It's important to study English because English is a very important lanuguage. Firstly, English is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world. It's spoken by a large porportion of people in the world as a first or second language. If you go to a European country such as France or Germany, the people will be able to speak and understand English as English is learnt by most students in the world and it's a worldwide language.

Secondly learning English will help you if you want to learn another European language because nearly all European languages have a similar alphabet to the English alaphbet and it will be easier to learn another European langugage if you know the English alaphbet. For example, French, German and Spainish uses the same alaphabet as English.

Thirdly, if you are studying a subject like law, many of the study material and documents will be in English and many educational books are written in English so it will be a big advantage if you can read and write English well.
2007-09-22 8:46 am
ok just so you know, i took a speech class last year, and for a 2-3 mins speech, it at least needs to be pretty long, no offence to the person above me, but that is not going to last for more than a min

English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers--there are many more Chinese speakers than native English speakers--but Chinese is spoken little outside of Chinese communities, so English is the most widespread language in the world. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are, however, even the numberof speakers do not really indicate how important English is as a world language, because less than fifteen percent of the world population uses English. The importance of English is not just in how many people speak it but in what it is used for.

English is the major language of news and information in the world. It is the language of business and government even in some countries where it is a minority language. It is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control, and it is used even for internal air traffic control in countries where it is not a native language. American popular culture--primarily movies and music--carries the English language throughout the world.

English is commonly used as a medium for the communication of information and news. Three quarters of all telex messages and telegrams are sent in English. Eighty percent of computer data are processed and stored in English. Much satellite communication is carried in English. Five thousand newspapers, more than half of the newspapers published in the world, are published in English. Even in many countries where English is a minority language, there is at least one newspaper in English. In India alone, there are three thousand magazines published in English. In many countries, television news is broadcast in English. Because of the power of television, demonstrators in every country use signs printed in English for the benefit of the international press.

Popular culture has also played an important part in spreading English. American and British popular music are heard all over the world. American movies are seen in almost every country. Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English. One reason that students give for learning English is to understand these songs, movies and books.

As we have seen, English is a widespread and important language in the world today. It is used for everything from international academic conferences to news reports to popular music lyrics. It is used not only for communication between native speakers and nonnative speakers of English but between nonnative speakers. Even though it does not have the greatest number of speakers in the world, it is the most widely used language in the world, and it will be used by more people in the future.

i hope that this is good enough, just keep practicing, you will do fine

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