Will acidic gases turn blue litmus paper red?

2007-09-22 3:36 am
Will acidic gases turn blue litmus paper red if we assume no water vapour in the air?

Why does chlorine turn the blue litmus paper red and then white?Does that chlorine react with water vapour in the air and become acidic first and then the products (NOCI) bleaches the litmus paper?

回答 (1)

2007-09-23 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes as you said

HCl is acidic obviously so it turns blue litmus paper to red (dun forget you damped the litmus paper first!!!)

then Cl2 will reacts with H2O to produce HClO

Cl2 + H2O >< H+ + Cl- + HClO

reversible reaction!!
參考: from me!! AS level

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